Leading Ladies - Rewrite your outdated Money 'Scarcity' Story & Leap into Fearless Abundance

Are You Blocking Abundance
But Not Sure How To Stop?

If you feel defeated by manifesting 'hacks' that
don't work - t
here's a new solution here for you now...

Keep reading

Oooh, sign me up.
"I received new clients, fabulous price breaks,
and invitations to free gourmet dinners. Over $1500
additional gains - totaling $9500 in 30 days!"
~ Annie D - Acupuncturist & Life Coach

Leading Ladies Open Your Steady Stream Of Prosperity...

Are You Accidentally Blocking Abundance But Not Sure How To Stop?

If you feel defeated by  
manifesting 'hacks' that
don't work, keep reading.

"New clients, fabulous price breaks, and invitations to free gourmet dinners. Over $1500 additional gains - totaling $9500 in 30 days!"
~ Annie D - Acupuncturist + Life Coach

Let Me Guess ~

Looking at social media you're thinking, "Why am I still
struggling to nail this whole manifesting thing?!"

You’ve taken the manifesting 'pill’
... you have a quick win.
The money comes in & then, POOF!  it flies out of your pocket ~

You're frustrated by the overwhelming (& relatively useless)
manifesting tactics & hacks that don't work

You feel like you must be doing something wrong 
& feel
left out trying to figure it out on your own.




Deep down, you know manifesting is spontaneous & freeing, BUT you're on the perpetual roller coaster bouncing
between manifestation & desperation.

You followed their advice, tried their methods & maybe did the deeper work. You have yet to discover the hidden secret to getting real results.

It stings how easily some people seem to align with their wealth potential, while you're still struggling to ride the steady stream of prosperity.


How to flow with prosperity?

You are not alone...

Did you know most women I've met share your experience & feel just like you do?

I've worked with countless coaches, healers, therapists, guides, mystics & creatives who practically turned away from manifesting altogether because they felt like they failed miserably & thought the Universe turned its back on them.

I've been here more times than I like to admit, however... experience has shown
a higher alternative exists & that barriers turn into blessings.

Imagine if you could…

Quiet the Mental Bully who tells you,
"It's your fault, you're
doing it wrong!"

Stop listening to THAT voice...  Smoothly move into calm, clear, cool, confidence.

Trust Yourself... Listen To Your Gut No Matter What Life Throws At You

Experience 1st hand how to stay centered & snap back on track simply by making wise choices in an instant.

Slow down. Relax Into Your Body & Allow Life To Be Easy...

Be comfortable in your own skin so that you can finally relax into your body, business & life.

If you’re nodding your head, saying yes, yes,
yes, this is what I want...

Then you have come to the right place.

I'm delighted to introduce... 

Fearless Abundance Self Study Course

 A 30-day transformational program for high achievers ready to stand on solid ground, shift into a new money story & remove abundance blocks -
minus the pressure of trying to ‘manifest’ the old way. 

  • Bypass the pressure of figuring out how to 'get there'.
  • Identify & release hidden reasons “why” you can’t seem to have a  steady flow of clients or money.
  • Relate to prosperity in a new way & increase your inner value

 ... without taking another disappointing, glossed-over manifesting course.

Yes, This Is What I Want >>>

Discover how to unlock prosperity.

Here's what you'll learn ~

Release the pressure of “how to manifest correctly”. Let go of the garbage you didn't know was smashing your efforts.

Establish an effective practice to stop beating yourself up & release uncomfortable feelings that run your life.

Experience a strategic discernment process to take clear, empowered action. Let your ever-evolving intuitive powers mature.

Reveal sneaky barriers holding you back from your wisdom, satisfaction, success, peace & awe. See it, feel it & free it!

Reduce stress, worry & doubt. Watch self-esteem & inner wealth grow & barriers transform into blessings.

Transform disempowering money stories into a healthier, happier relationship with money. Meet prosperity at a higher level.

I noticed a major shift in manifesting...
After 'The Secret' movie was aired a strange phenomenon appeared...
At first, people were excited but then got disillusioned with their results.

  • People's confidence & trust in themselves began to crumble.
  • They genuinely believed something was wrong with them.
  • They felt betrayed by the universe & lost faith in their own power.

Drawn to turn inward, I witnessed the future ushering us in a new direction...

The manifestation needle moved to a different, higher frequency.

Nothing was new about this 'Law of Attraction' - so what changed?

While testing things out I identified the 'Law of Attraction’ as based on having to bait & lure stuff to come to you. Meaning, if you just wanted it bad enough, you'd have it?

NO. The exact opposite is true.

We were looking at this from the wrong direction.

Everything is shifting. Fight it or move with 'The Flow of Acceptance'.

I created this course so you can:

  • Safely & smoothly establish a grounded practice.
  • Move with the tides of change through the power of decision.
  • Get through the tougher contractions of life with greater ease.

You have an entire universe inside you to go beyond what's clouding your Vision.

 'Now' Is Your Golden Opportunity...

See for yourself.

16 years ago I noticed a major shift in manifesting...
After 'The Secret' movie was aired a strange phenomenon appeared...

  • I watched people's confidence crumble as they followed along.
  • Now, they genuinely believed something was wrong with them.
  • They felt betrayed by the universe & lost faith in themselves.

Drawn to turn inward, I witnessed the future ushering us in a new direction...

The manifestation needle moved to a different, higher frequency.

Nothing was new about this 'Law of Attraction' aka LOA - so what changed?

I identified the problem with 'Law of Attraction’. It was based on baiting & luring stuff to come to you. Meaning, if you just wanted it bad enough, you'd have it, right?

No. The exact opposite is true.

We were looking at this from the wrong direction.

Everything is shifting. Fight it or move with 'The Flow of Acceptance'.

I created this course so you can:

  • Safely & smoothly establish a grounded inner practice.
  • Move with the tides of change through the power of decision.
  • Get through the tougher contractions of life easier.

You have an entire universe inside you to go beyond what's clouding your Vision.

 'Now' Is Your Golden Opportunity...

See for yourself.

Let's get a bird's eye view of what your 30-day course
looks like spread over 4 weeks...

Get Set Up For Success with instant access to everything you need to complete this engaging course. Clarify Your Intentions to powerfully set the tone for your journey! I’m right there with you in every video providing clarity, focus & supportive guidance.

Say bye-bye to those long-held limitations. By now, you're in a rhythm using the backbone of this course, the '4 STEPS', to remove hidden success & money blocks. You'll IDENTIFY & RELEASE barriers that keep you in those fluctuating cycles & out of financial flow.

You're in the momentum building Fearless Abundance Muscles. Turn up the dial as you move
into full swing using your daily exercises that raise your frequency to new levels. Supportive emails & clarifying videos assist to keep you in your groove.

Time to Finesse the Learnings & Skills. Cleaning out key barriers clears space for your cells & your energy field to re-organize & repair. The deeper connection allows for greater receptivity as you bring new habits home to cross the finish line in a Grand Finale!  

This will make your day.  Go ahead, take a peak.

Your Essential Bonuses

+ Receive supportive emails over 30 days to help you stay
accountable & keep your momentum steady...

Use your new skill set for life!

How to Stop Beating Yourself Up, feeling not good enough & accidentally repelling prosperity.  Preserve your precious energy.

If only everyone knew how to do this... Recognize resistance, really let it go & breathe easy.  Move through resistance without the fear of staying stuck.

Turn off the monkey mind keeping you awake at night, spinning in circles & clutching your tummy.  Get out of autopilot. Get calm on the inside.

Yes, I Want This!
Having the RIGHT PERSON with decades of real-life experience to impeccably guide you
makes all the difference.


About Me

Hi, I'm Angela (AHN-ZHE-LA)

I've been guiding wise women to embody key confidence & prosperity for over 30 years.

I'm designed to see the beauty of who you really are so you can identify the highest version of yourself - to flow steadily & easily with life. 

With nearly 4 decades of in-depth studies & practice, I blended the crème de la crème of life-altering disciplines with my own mystically acquired gifts.  

What has emerged is a variety of quick-working, rock-solid, highly successful Inner Wealth tools that seamlessly blend energetic & spiritual technologies to raise your frequency & ground you at the same time.

We're here to Unlearn Old Limitations... I offer bespoke solutions exclusively to you who are seriously prepared to experience groundbreaking life changes.

About me

Hi, my name is Angela (AHN-ZHE-LA)

I've been guiding wise women to embody key confidence & prosperity for over 30 years.

I'm designed to see the beauty of who you really are so you can identify the highest version of yourself - to flow steadily & easily with life. 

With nearly 4 decades of in-depth studies & practice, I blended the crème de la crème of life-altering disciplines with my own mystically acquired gifts.  

What emerged was a variety of quick-working, rock-solid, highly successful energetic & spiritual tools.

I offer bespoke solutions exclusively to you who are seriously prepared to experience groundbreaking life changes.

Here's Why You'll Love This

Not teaching the
law of attraction.

No nerve-wracking, glossy, or short-lived LOA hacks keeping you fixated on $$$ or chasing shiny objects!

You can finally drop the pressure & trust.

Wipe the slate clean. Identify where you get stuck with a new awareness. Trust your key confidence.

You'll be guided to embody prosperity...

Gain clarity as you focus to making room inside so you can experience being in the flow of abundance.


Free resistance &
relax into your body

Potent practices leave you
feeling clearer & lighter. Make empowered decisions easier.


This is for conscious entrepreneurs ready to...

  • Confidently shift into being highly receptive to abundance but not sure how to begin.
  • Drop the old money story & create a new money relationship that matches the real you.
  • Trust themselves. To consciously focus on a new awareness & free up old, hidden & limiting habits.

This is NOT for business owners who are...

  • Seeking another short-lived manifesting hack to make fast $$$.
  • Wanting to stay the 'same' & not ready to show up to boost your business & life.
  • Unwilling to invest up to an hour a day for 4 weeks to free self-defeating blocks.

Any questions before entering the Fearless Abundance Self-Study Course?

Check out these FAQs!


Graduates Share Their Gains

I feel securely grounded in my confidence & trust my intuition like never before.  I love using my Fearless Abundance skills every day because they are simple, easy and they work.  I uncovered how much my beliefs and fears surrounding money and lack were holding me back in ways that I didn't realize were happening. I shed fears that kept me stuck and witnessed more abundance come to me both financially and personally.

CAROL B ~ Retired UPS Driver - Now an Accountant & Energy Healer

Fearless Abundance was an amazing [financial] month!  I have a long history of exploring personal development and spiritual growth. I was looking for something that could take me to the next level. The financial results surprised me beyond my wildest dreams! ... totaling $9500 in 30 days! I developed more spiritual muscle because I was able to stick to the practical exercises.

ANNIE D ~ Acupuncturist & Life Coach

I got all my goals in 6 weeks! I'd just moved to a new state and started working with Angela. I quickly set up my business at the exact location I wanted and got new clients right away. I received support from new friends who flocked to me immediately. I found my best friend, the love of my life and we are happily married.

RHONIE B ~ Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Therapist

A note from my mentor...


"Being a mentor to Angela has been an expansive process for me... Working with Angela to help her re-ignite a new passion in her business is the reason I do what I do!

Angela is a masterful guide. She is very methodical in her approach when working with clients because she knows her processes get massive results. 

Her commitment to seeing the beauty in her clients, so her clients can identify with that beauty is an experience I was also gifted in our time together.  Angela reciprocated a session with me and working with Angela allowed me to lift a block I was experiencing about creating a powerful team in my business.

Within just two short weeks, a group of young, ambitious men teamed up with me to take my business to the next level. 

Angela has dedicated her life to the exploration of the self-development movement and has mastered the processes she guides her clients through."

International Vision and Alignment Coach

It's not easy to get past unconscious habits on your own...
Place the power of Fearless Abundance in your hands.

Discover a GAME-CHANGING, precise process to confidently get there!

Are You Ready To Take Action, Confidently Connect Inside & Stop Energetically Blocking Money on the outside?

Rock-solid, hi-frequency inner wealth tools & allow things to be easy. Now's the time...

YES, I'm Ready! >>>

Let’s talk about price…

Fearless Abundance helps you remove barriers to prosperity
so that you can relax into your body, business & life.

Because I know how defeating it feels to get caught up in the pressure of being fixated on $$$ (and how that weirdly
pushes abundance away).

The Universe asked me to massively reduce the price today so you can start your journey for $300 (instead of $600)!

And just like that, Boom Done! Please Enjoy.


My promise of high standards...

I stand behind all my courses & services as high-value products.

Each course is curated & refined to get maximum results as long as you follow the instructions & complete the entire program. Results may
vary per individual.


Start My Journey!

Give yourself the QUICKEST & the EASIEST path to STOP Repelling Abundance for...

One Payment Of $300

Increase Your Receptivity & Reliable Relationship with Prosperity

You will be guided to:

  • Reconnect to Your Instincts & Listen To Your Gut Wisdom.
  • Attune to a Fresh Relationship with Prosperity.
  • Transform your Old Money Story.
  • Drop the Pressure to figure out how to manifest effectively.
  • Identify & Release Hidden Reasons “why” you can’t have steady money.
  • Build those TRUST Muscles to Increase Fearless Abundance Habits
  • Enjoy a Happier, Lighter, Freer, Satisfying Success Story.